Friday, May 06, 2011

Day 126: New Herbs

Woring on starting a new herb garden this year. There are so many herbs to choose from! I couldn't decide which ones to plant, so I went thru my spice/herb cupboard and decided to only grow what I will need/use this year. Next year I may expand to something new if this year goes well. I have chives and mint left there from last year, but started lots of parsley seeds to put in there soon. The back corner has dill started, it's up about an inch. I really love dill leaves. ( I have officially changed the name of that herb, from dill weed to dill leaves. With teens around, you don't want them going around saying "My mom grows weed!" Kindof puts a damper on my public appearance.)

Got a rosemary plant for $2 at Wally's World last weekend. Guess I wasted my money because it ended up with mites or something and is basically dead. Still need a couple of oregano plants and my garden should be complete on herbs for this season.

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